We have to go way back in our database to find a period in which there was such little movement in the air for so many days in a row. The last time was in October 2018, and before that was in February. So it’s fair to say that this happens only every half a year.
Therefore we can be relaxed about it. Such calm periods are very, very rare on the south point of Tenerife. The last time there were four days in a row with no wind at all was 2017. Good job everything is so well documented.
Unfortunately it’s not as easy to find these results with the new MySQL than with our FileMaker. This modern programme (nowadays they call them Apps 😉 is not so comfortable to work with.
Now the forecast at least shows more than 3 Beaufort for tomorrow morning. That means we can’t finish the superlative: calm, calmer, calmest 😉
