Three days with wild waters. A lot of space on the beach. But also all around. The sand flew horizontally a few meters above the floor. Just like in “the old days”. Those, where the sunglasses were still covered on the sides. If this wouldn’t have been this way, you would had to get rid of a lot of sand out of your eyes if you didn’t want to end up completely blind. Dream conditions like these do have to have their bad side, don’t they? Otherwise we would get a little too spoilt…

January says goodbye in a rather humble way. And the start of the new month presents itself a little insecure. The high air pressure (that has been calculated by the GFS) will last the next 384 hours, but the its circles are missing, reaching up to the mediterranean. This is why the currents are rather unpredictable and will probably influence our beloved wind direction. Typical winter months…
