Gotten over with

Three days with wild waters. A lot of space on the beach. But also all around. The sand flew horizontally a few meters above the floor. Just like in “the old days”. Those, where the sunglasses were still covered on the sides. If this wouldn’t have been this way, you...

The dream is over

It actually seemed like a fake anyway. So many planning days with bright blue skies were offered as a Christmas present for our winter guests which they had a lot of fun with. But we grant the wind gods a little break. Keeping in mind that for the next two weeks the...

Christmas Eve

As if Aiolos would listen to the church: he drifted along softly. Also the first bank holiday (here in Spain there is only one) is has stayed pretty calm, so calm that even the candles haven’t been blown out. Maybe from Tuesday on. And the question stays: will the...

A great december

Just a day left for one last breath – from then on we’re expecting a Windsurfers dream. Ten predictions are promising us “our” wind from northwest directions. Always –  until the day before Christmas – with at least four Beaufort (mínimum 20 knots). Now we just...

The constant change

It has been a while since we haven’t experienced so many ups and downs in the long term forecast. If the updated forcast really does come true we will have to conform ourselves with very slight breezes until the beginning of november. It is a if the wind gods...

The dream is over

We seemed to have established a new record. Since the endings of May there had only been three days in which the wind freaks haven’t been satisfied. And it seemed to be going on like this until entering autumn. Now, “our” force from the Azores has moved northeast and...